Wednesday, September 8, 2021

I've been sewing long enough that I don't actually remember when I learned to sew, but it's a skill that's been laying dormant for some time now. I love style, and I definitely have a magpie's attraction to novelty, but I also know full well that fast fashion is terrible for people and the environment. I've set a goal to refrain from buying any new clothing during this school year, but that doesn't mean I can't make something...

I've been a Seamwork subscriber for years, but I've been stashing patterns way more than actually using them. I want to start really using my membership and learn some new skills. First up: the Aurora tank. I've worked with knits in the past, but I'd like to get better at finishing them more professionally. With summer considering turning into autumn in Southern Maryland, I'm really into 'pumpkin spice latte' colors. This fabric from Joann gives me all the fall vibes and will pair nicely a rust/pumpkin/orange cardigan currently in my knitting queue. 

Gus my design assistant (supervisor?) is into all things fiber and fabric. He's a Very Good Boy, but here's hoping he doesn't decide that sewing is a team sport! 

What do you have in the works for fall?

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Exercise is... not my favorite, but I've had an on-again, off-again relationship with yoga since high school. I've never been particularly flexible, but the feeling of flowing from one pose into the next really gets me out of my head. Kind of a game-changer for someone who is perpetually a little too in her own head.

I've been feeling increasingly like I need to get in better physical shape, and my current goal is to get back on the mat with a little movement and meditation to start the day. My kitten, Gus, apparently agrees--he's trying to run off with my mala beads! (In case you clocked his stumpy tail, he's part American Bobtail, so he was born with a short tail.) 

By the end of the month, I want to complete 20 yoga sessions to shift my practice from afterthought to habit.

What are your wellness goals for fall?